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We know you have several options for who to talk to about an unexpected pregnancy. Deciding your next steps can be nerve-wracking, especially when you’re considering abortion.

You deserve to make a decision free from judgment and based on facts. If you’re thinking about abortion, you should also consider how this medical procedure could impact your health.

At Choices of the Heart, we believe in your ability to make a confident decision. We provide the tools needed to learn about your pregnancy and options, but you always decide. 

Schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment to learn more. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about what we can offer.

1. We’ll be a non-judgmental presence during this journey.

During an unexpected pregnancy, the last thing you need is to feel pressure and shame. This journey can be stressful, and you deserve to learn more about your options in a non-judgmental environment.

Choices of the Heart doesn’t provide or refer for abortions, but we offer accurate information on all options, including abortion. This is your pregnancy, and you alone can make a decision. 

2. All services are no-cost and confidential.

You should never have to worry about finances when you’re faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Our advocates offer no-cost services, walking with you every step of the way.

Privacy is a major concern for many women, and it’s likely on your mind, too. Our services are completely confidential, so your unique situation will be respected.

3. Before making a decision, you’ll protect your health.

Choices of the Heart offers limited ultrasounds to confirm your pregnancy. You’ll learn whether it is viable, which means it has a heartbeat and is progressing. 

You should always receive an ultrasound before making a pregnancy decision. If you are considering abortion, you could face health risks without this scan. For example, medical abortion is FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation; you should never take these drugs without knowing your pregnancy’s status, especially if you aren’t certain you’re pregnant.

4. You’ll receive factual information on all your options.

Abortion is a significant medical decision, and it comes with side effects and risks. We provide options counseling so you can ask questions and receive unbiased information.

Our advocates will also educate you on parenting and adoption. This is your decision, so you deserve to understand the support available, including parenting education, community referrals, and more. 

No matter how desperate your situation feels, know you are not alone.

No-Cost, Confidential Help

Choices of the Heart is a trusted resource for clients with unexpected pregnancies. We care deeply about your situation and future.

Schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment to learn more about our services.

You have options.