How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?
A timeline for healing looks different for everyone. As the days pass, you might find your feelings about your abortion intensifying or even changing. This can be an overwhelming time, especially as you try to map out a plan for emotional recovery. You don’t have to walk this journey alone. Support is available as you
3 Things Needed Before Abortion
Abortion is a serious decision. If you are considering this option for your unexpected pregnancy, know that your health and safety are the priority. Choices of the Heart offers no-cost options information, pregnancy confirmation services, and more. We’re here for you. Continue reading to learn what you need to know before making a decision. Confirm
How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?
Abortion impacts every woman differently, so it’s critical to learn the potential impacts and assess your mental health before deciding. While you cannot predict exactly how you’ll feel, evaluating your current situation and researching the potential mental health impacts can help you make an informed choice. Choices of the Heart will discuss the potential emotional
Why Talk to Us About Abortion?
We know you have several options for who to talk to about an unexpected pregnancy. Deciding your next steps can be nerve-wracking, especially when you’re considering abortion. You deserve to make a decision free from judgment and based on facts. If you’re thinking about abortion, you should also consider how this medical procedure could impact
What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?
Abortion affects every woman differently. Some women feel it’s the best option for an unexpected pregnancy, but it’s crucial to understand the potential effects it can have. Choices of the Heart is here to help you understand each pregnancy option and make an educated decision. Schedule a no-cost, confidential appointment today to learn how we
What Are the Different Types of Abortion?
An unexpected pregnancy can leave you searching for answers, and you’re likely thinking about which option you’ll choose. If you’re considering abortion, it’s vital to understand the different types of procedures and what they’ll mean for you. Choices of the Heart is here for you with no-cost, confidential pregnancy services. We know this can be